St. Timothy's Episcopal Church located in S. E. Washington, DC welcomes all who are seeking a church home.
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Click on an event below for more detailed information.
Mid-week Service - Nov 10, Wed 11:00 AM
Bible Study - Nov 10, Wed 7:00 PM - Contact the Rector for study materials.
Vestry Meeting - Nov 13, Sat 9:00 AM - The Vestry is the governing board of the church and meets on a ...
Anointing for Healing and Wholeness - Nov 14, Sun
Choir Rehearsal - Nov 14, Sun 8:30 AM
Jr. Youth Group Meeting - Nov 14, Sun 11:30 AM - For middle school age youth.
Holy Eucharist & Homily
Holy Eucharist & Sermon
Fellowship Hour & Adult Forum
Samaritan Ministry Gift
2nd SundayAnointing for Health & Wholeness
4th SundayYouth Sunday
5th SundayPraise & Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Homily
7:00 p.m. - Bible Study
Services and activities will take place as scheduled.
Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church affirms that all individuals are of sacred worth without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin,
- 3401 Nebraska Ave NW Washington, DC 20016-2759
- (202) 363-4900
An Anglo-Catholic Episcopal church in Foggy Bottom, Washington DC, with stirring music, powerful liturgy, and inspired preaching.
- 2430 K St NW Washington, DC 20037-1703
- (202) 337-2020
Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation Home Page for Washington National Cathedral and the schools on Mount Saint Alban
- Washington, DC 20001
- (202) 537-6200
Christ the King Sunday is a sort of "made-up" feast day. It is the kind of day that probably would have driven the Reformers crazy.
- 2300 Cathedral Ave NW Washington, DC 20008-1505
- (202) 232-4244
A church
- 1290 Old Henderson Rd, Columbus, OH 43220
- 1 (614) 442-1700