In the heart of Old Town Alexandria, Silverman Galleries is one of the Metro D.C. area's longest established antiques businesses still under original ownership. Mr. Silverman founded the shop as Capitol Hill Antiques in 1958, and moved here when his historic rowhouse was eliminated in a 1970s expansion of the Library of Congress. The LARGE, DIVERSE AND DEFINITELY ANTIQUE inventory reflects the owner's wide ranging interests and experience.
The son of a platinumsmith to the diamond trade, Mr. Silverman always keeps a broad selection of antique and estate jewelry. It covers the 18th and 19th centuries, Georgian to Victorian, through Art Nouveau and Art Deco. The store is especially known for original PLATINUM AND DIAMOND RINGS of the early 20th century, selected with an eye to fine workmanship and beautiful design.
Period Art & Paintings are strongly represented. AMERICAN artists include Emile Carlsen, Samuel Coleman, Russell Cheney, Frederick S. Church, Eben Comins, Frederick Cozzens, William Frerichs, George Howell Gay, John Henry Hill, Gaspard Latoix, Gerald Leake, Enoch Perry, William Trost Richards, Eric Sloane and Newbold Trotter, in addition to Hudson River School paintings, coastal views and ship portraits.
ENGLISH artists include J.H. Burrows, George Clare, Arthur Devis and Tristram Ellis, with works attributed to or by circle of Abraham Solomon. CONTINENTAL artists include Helena Van Borselen, Joseph Stack (pictured), Charles Igounet de Villers, Charles Wissant, and attribution/circle of Berchem, Dughet, and Glauber. There are also China Trade paintings, miniatures, retablos and early religious art and artifacts.
Antique silver and metalwares include AMERICAN COIN SILVER (hollowware and flatware), Georgian and other ENGLISH STERLING and CONTINENTAL SILVER mostly 18th and 19th century, RUSSIAN SILVER including ENAMELS, Tiffany, Cartier, Garrard and Gorham;"Old Sheffield" fused plate, Battersea / Bilston enamels, 18th century DOMESTIC BRASS, JUDAICA and early LIGHTING.
Ceramics cover Creamware, Pearlware, Delft, Mocha, English soft paste and hard paste porcelain, Historical Blue Staffordshire, Wedgewood, Canton, Fitzhugh, Nankeen and other export China. Glass includes American flint, Anglo Irish and Continental, from Georgian cotton-twist stems to Lalique.
A small but choice selection of furniture is usually available. Current case furniture includes a Baltimore Federal chest, a Dunlap school New Hampshire tall chest and a Virginia slant front desk.
Mr. Silverman's particular interests are also reflected in HISTORICAL art & artifacts, CANES, CHESS, MAPS, WEAPONS AND ARMOR, SAMURAI to COLT, AMERICAN INDIAN SILVER, and SCIENTIFIC and WRITING INSTRUMENTS and ANTIQUITIES.