Battlefield Farms, Inc. is a state of the art, automated facility located in central Virginia that produces a diverse plant product line year-round. Battlefield Farms, Inc. is now 30 acres of covered production area and approximately 20 acres of outdoor production area. Utilization of an environmental computer to constantly monitor and adjust the greenhouse environment, individualized soil mixing on-site, and the ability to choose from drip line irrigation, ebb and flood flooring, or boom watering systems, all give Battlefield Farms, Inc. enough flexibility to ensure that the optimum environment is provided for each variety of plant that we grow.
Whether you are looking for hanging baskets, bedding plants, decorative planters, holiday plants or aquatic plants, Battlefield Farms, Inc. can supply all of your plants. Our friendly staff is always ready to help you assemble a unique set of products and programs, specifically designed to meet your needs.
With a full fleet of trucks, Battlefield Farms, Inc. delivers annuals, perennials and poinsettias to retail outlets in the mid-Atlantic region. We also ship aquatic plants throughout the continental United States east of the Rockies.